
309942_10150727250008101_1610106021_n_01Hola. Bonjour. Hallo. Ciao. Szia. Chao. Sa Wat Dee Kah.

However you say it, hello!

Originally from Sydney, Australia, I spend plenty of my time traveling and tasting my way around the world, one country and continent at a time, and when I’m not I’m working with my other passion as a chef.

After a year and a half of several independent  trips across the world, I sold most of what I owned and packed up the rest, before boarding a one way flight across the world where I kicked about for a few months. Eventually I made my way to The UK, where I set up in London for a couple of years, after which I spent some time based in Amsterdam. I returned home after three years away and focused on some Australian travels before another trip to the Northern Hemisphere.

 Traveling is what I love to do. Without it I think I would go insane, and one of my favourite things about traveling is experiencing something new. Food is a major part of this, and wherever I am, I am always keen to try something different. Expect anything from restaurants, local’s kitchens and my favourite, street food.

Though this isn’t just about food and drinks. It’s about everything I’ve seen, everyone I’ve met along the way, and all my experiences to go along with that.

So enjoy!


3 Comments Add yours

  1. mykombiandi says:

    The Aussie Chef, tasting her way around the world. It was great meeting you in Egypt, and I have enjoyed following your journey all over the world. Keep living the dream.

  2. im interest du etfor denmkark

    1. Sorry, I can’t seem to translate?

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